3 January 2016


...I wanna' be Z80'd

The completed module without the Z80 in place.
Just how much can be written about this module, it consists of 5 elements including the PCB itself, DIP-40 socket and 34 pin header, in fact there is just one passive component which is a 3.3k resistor to keep the Z80's INT line held high.
The Z80 module positioned in a slot.

The thing to watch here when soldering the header into place is that it stays flush to the board, I soldered a pin at each end and applied a bit of downward pressure while I soldered a pin near the middle, with a similar manner to the one I employed whilst soldering the backplane. A quick check to make sure everything was where it should be and I could get on with the rest of the pins, though the less time spent heating the header before you apply solder the better, the plastic that holds the pins in place starts to melt far too quickly and you can end up with one misaligned pin in an otherwise perfectly straight row.

It's probably worth pointing out at this stage that if you push one of the full length modules into it's 'slot' on the backplane then you stand a good chance of bending it's pins when you come to removing it, such is the force required to remove it once it is pushed fully home.

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